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Client Promotions

This powertool allows you to create custom panels to be displayed in the Client Area in WHMCS.

Set Up

From the PowerTools dashboard, click on the Client Promos tile:

Ensure the Tool is switched on and click Save:

Adding A New Panel

Use the Add New Promotion form to add a new client area panel:

All fields except the Title are optional. If no title is given, the panel will not be created.

Icon – The main icon displayed at the top left of the panel. Use Font Awesome icons, e.g. fa-globe
Title – The title of the panel (required)
Visible – Is the panel visible in the client area
Double Column – Does the panel double column in width
Color – One of the predefined WHMCS colors
Display Order – Where the panel is displayed in relation to other panels in the client area.
Button Icon – The icon to be used on the button
Button Label – The label for the button text
URL – The URL to open when the client clicks the button
HTML – Plain text or HTML content to be displayed in the body content of your panel
Footer – Plain text or HTML content to be displayed in the panel’s footer.

Editing Panels

All your panels are listed in the Promotions section:

Click on the Edit button to edit a panel or delete it.


Some example panels to help you create your own:

Domain Name Promotion:

Creates a single-column panel with a button link to the domain order screen.

Maintenance Notice

Creates a double-column panel displayed at the very top of the client area home page. The footer includes a link to open a support ticket.

OX Mail Promotion

Creates a single-column panel with an image and formatted text to promote the OX App Suite.

Full HTML for this sample:

<table style="margin: 1px 20px">
<td style="padding: 5px 5px;"><img src="/assets/img/marketconnect/ox/display-email.png" class="header-img" width="75"></td>
<td>OX App Suite is a powerful Email and Productivity suite built for businesses of any size.</td>
<li>Use Webmail, Mobile or Desktop Apps</li>
<li>Huge 10GB or 50GB mailboxes</li>
<li>Keeps your inbox safe from spam and viruses</li>
<li>Professional email@your-domain.com</li>